Roxane lives and works in Walloon Brabant, Belgium. Her pictural works combine pleasurable childish mark-making, patterning, gestural application of colour and delicate shapes. She works with colorfull palette and mixed media (pencils, pastels, acrylics, spray paint, oil...). Roxane wants to allow the viewer to apply freely their own experiences and feelings to the canvas, without any prior direction. Working intuitively across each composition, she may not know the outcome of the piece. The painting evolves as a emotional and therapeutic process, driven by music, light and moment. She likes the idea of transmitting to people, through her works, a kind of pure energy.
She studied painting restoration, learned golding and copying from masters (2003-2006). Like her grandfather René Meert, Belgian figurative painter, she first created figurative oil works. Since 2019, the abstract has become her favorite expression mode. As an emerging artist in 2020, she exhibited her work in art galleries and collective shows and her artworks has already been collected across Belgium, France, Germany and in the USA.
Roxane Malu vit et travaille en Brabant Wallon, Belgique. Son travail combine les traits enfantins, les formes répétitives et délicates et une application gestuelle de la matière. La palette est colorée et lumineuse. Les techniques employées sont mixtes (acrylique, crayons, marqueurs, pastels secs et gras, graphite, huile, peinture en bombe...). Son souhait est de permettre à l'observateur de voyager librement à travers la composition et d'interpréter l'œuvre en fonction de ses expériences et émotions. Travaillant intuitivement, elle ne peut connaitre l'aspect final que prendra la toile. La peinture évolue tel un procédé thérapeutique et émotionnel, selon la lumière, la musique et le moment. Elle aime l'idée de transmettre à travers son travail, une forme d'énergie pure.
Roxane a étudié la restauration de peinture, la dorure et réalisé des copies de tableaux de maîtres (2003-2006). Comme son grand-père René Meert, peintre figuratif belge, elle a d'abord travaillé le dessin, le figuratif et l'huile. Depuis 2019, l'abstraction est devenu son moyen d'expression favori. Artiste professionnelle émergente en 2020, elle a exposé depuis en galeries et en expositions collectives et ses toiles ont été vendues en Europe comme aux Etats-Unis.
May 2024 > Publication in Marie-Claire Maison, interior design magazine - France
May 2024 > Collective exhibition - Vetrinarte Gallery - Belgium
Fev 7-11 2024 > Affordable Art Fair Brussels - Tour & Taxis -Brussels
Dec 10-17 2023 > Exhibition - Christian Van Cauteren & Roxane Malu - Galerie Atelier 64
Nov 2023 > Merry Merry - Exit11 - Grand Leez Belgium
Nov 24-26 2023 > International contemporary Art Fair - Art3F - Brussels Expo
Oct 6-22 2023 > Art on loop London Athens x Yiakou - Digital Exhibition - Athens & London
Sept 2023 > Exhibition "Réenchanter le monde" - Espace Ysmailoff Gallery - Paris
April 2023 > Collective exhibition - Open days Idilik - Lasne
Feb 10-11-12 2023 > Collective exhibition "The new artists" - GH MARKET - Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Bruxelles
Dec 2022 > Collective exhibition "Merry Merry" - Exit11 Gallery - Chateau de Petit Leez, Gembloux
Oct 2022 > Online exhibition - This is not Belgium Gallery
Sept - Oct 2022 > Solo exhibition - Fondation Chantal de Hemptinne, Lessines, Belgium
June 2022 > Artwalk - Lessines, Belgium
May 2022 > Artwalk - Orp-Jauche, Belgium
May 2022 > Exhibition - Aspria Club, Louise Av., Bruxelles
Mars 2022 > Collective exhibition "Color Power for Women" - Art is big Gallery - Waterloo, Belgium
Sept 2021 > Artwalk - Limal, Belgium
July 2021 > Exhibition and happening - The Flow - Namur, Belgium
April 2021 > Exhibition - Pop up Blush Store - Bruxelles, Belgium